
Hello Morning ~

I sometimes wake up to feelings of dread and distaste for the day before I even open my eyes.

Anybody else?

Please say yes so I don’t feel like the crazy one here.

Well, what I have found as I have put my own Attitude of Gratitude practice into play, is that when I change my thoughts before I even place my feet on the floor I am able to shift my mind and emotions into a gear that sets me up for a positive approach to my day.

Here is a great practice to start your day on the right foot.

  1.  With your eyes still closed, notice the thoughts you are currently having.
  2. Take 3 deep breaths and with each exhale imagine letting go of all negative thoughts you are experiencing.
  3. Turn your attention to what you are grateful for.  These can be simple or complex but there is no need to over-think this.  Personally I like the simple things because they are so often over-looked.  Here are a few:
    • I am thankful for my breath.
    • I am thankful for my comfy comforter.
    • I am thankful for my soft, down pillow.
    • I am thankful I didn’t need to awaken to an alarm clock.
    • I am thankful I have the strength to roll over without much effort.
    • I am thankful I have enough money to be in a warm, comfortable, safe bed.
    • I am thankful I have a job to go to today.
  4. Let yourself FEEL the gratitude.  Thinking it is a great first step but FEELING it is the bomb!  It’s your emotions that really light things up.

Note:  You can keep this practice simple and be done with it here OR you if you want to get even more out of this practice begin a gratitude journal.  Keep the journal next to your bed and every morning write down the 5-10 items that come to you that day.  It’s ok if you repeat some of the items from previous days, just keep adding.

Let yourself take this attention and energy into your day and notice how your focus begins to change.

“Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.”


Thankful for You,

Coach Jill

Click here to see Day 2.