Move 2 Live with Jill M Sommers
Move 2 Live with Jill M Sommers
New Dad Insights with November Project Leader, Dan Graham

New Dad Insights with November Project Leader, Dan Graham

It’s the month of Empowering the HE! And as we go into Father’s Day we are celebrating men in all their roles as fathers, brothers, spouses, leaders and followers.

Dan Graham (DG) is a November Project (NP) Milwaukee tribe leader, a new father and a recent graduate with a degree in education. To say he has his hands full with new adventures every day is an understatement.

Jill’s interview with DG is an entertaining combination of insight, vulnerable disclosure, casual discussion and motivating calls to action.

As a new father DG shares his joys of being a dad, what he learned from his father and the qualities he wants to pass onto his, now 6 month old, daughter. He also openly shares something that most people don’t know about him and his ‘past life’.

DG’s ability to talk fast, build clever sentences and nuances at the drop of a hat while inspiring people to be more is an incredibly unique talent owned by few and envied by many.

As a tribe leader for NP Milwaukee DG tirelessly leads two outdoor 6:26 am bootcamp workouts per week that are free to the public. No two workouts are the same and every workout “encourages” the workout-ees to connect with other humans (plus one dog) in the tribe. But it doesn’t end there. DG reminds the group to take their feel good out into the world and make it a better place, because they can and why wouldn’t they want to. These workouts have grown over the years and now regularly draw more than 100 people to their dark, early morning workout challenges. #justshowup

You can find more information about November Project MKE on their Facebook page.

DG is a normal person doing extraordinary things by spreading the love and encouraging others to take their feel good into the day and passing it onto others. More than any words he shares with his tribe or his daughter, it is his actions that illustrate his dedication to making our world happier, healthier and a whole lot funnier.