It is the compilation of your thoughts, actions, behaviors and habits of days gone by that dictate what you will do today, tomorrow and next week. BUT what if you desire something different, something better, something fresh, exciting and expansive but you’re not sure where to begin?

Try this fun recipe of mindful exercises first thing in the morning to freshen up your approach to the day and experience an empowering shift to the energy you bring to your daily routine.

Morning Glory Mindfulness Practice:

  1. Allow yourself to awaken gently, without an alarm clock or any other startling sounds, energies and influences.
  2. Upon awakening, take 3 deep full breaths – in through your nose and out through your mouth. During these breaths bring your attention to just your inhale and exhale. Notice the expansion of your belly. Feel the influx of breath and the gentle releasing of your exhale. Avoid bringing to your breath the worries of yesterday and the anxieties of your day to come – just be present in THIS moment – filled with your breath. Consider moving your body in small motions such as an easy toe point and flex or a gently head flex to the side.
  3. Gently roll out of bed, placing your feet firmly on the floor and comeplete one more deep, full breath – the biggest breath yet. Call to mind and body a gratitude you have of arriving at a new day.
  4. Use the bathroom if you need to and then return immediately to your bed. Begin making your bed, easily and effortlessly. Call to mind and body at least 3 gratitudes you have about your physical space such as “I love my comfortable bed. I am so grateful for this warm comforter. These pillows are my favorite. I am so grateful for my safe and comfortable bedroom. I appreciate the big windows that allow in so much sunlight” etc. Keep repeating the same three gratitudes, if you like, or continue with more. Practice brushing off any judgments or gremlin voices that might invade your gratitude space with comments such as “I am grateful for this warm comforter but it was so expensive” etc.
  5. When you’re done making your bed, celebrate. Notice how rewarding it feels to already have your bed made as it is the first achievement of your day. Celebrate it with a celebration dance, a pat on the back, a high five to yourself (or your dog or spouse or children or just your bedroom wall).
  6. Prepare a warm mug of water with lemon. Assisting your body with its detox process from the night before will set up your digestive system for success. While preparing your warm water, bring your attention to your gratitudes for your kitchen comforts. AVOID looking at your phone for texts, emails, etc. This is still time for you to BE IN THE MOMENT. Enjoy the now.
  7. While sipping your warm water with lemon, move about your house picking up and putting things in their place. Let this task be light and easy, almost effortless. Perhaps you put away the clothes on that are hanging out on your bedroom chair or freshen up the pillows on the couch or feed the dog and cat or put the toys in the toy box.
  8. Take a 10 minute walk outside OR complete a 10 minute yoga session in your home. This mindful movement preps your body and mind with circulation and centering so you begin your day with ease rather than with stress.
  9. Journal for 10 minutes. Upon completion of your mindful movement, journal for 10 minutes. This is a great time to put your thoughts on paper, clearing out your mental space. A few journal prompts I like to use are:
    • One thing I can get excited about today is…
    • If one word or a short statement could describe how I want to feel today it would be…
      • How I can set myself up best to achieve that feeling is …
    • A situation that might stress me out or throw me off my game today is …
      • The way my best self can deal with this is…
    • Someone I could surprise with a note of thanks or a gift or sign of appreciation today is …

10. Upon completion of your journaling, take a moment to pause, orchestrate a big, full, deep breath. Enjoy the moment, give thanks for taking this time – on purpose and without judgment – for your SELF.

And now you are ready to bring your true self into your day – centered, grounded, filled with breath, hydration and purpose.

Helpful Suggestions:

  1. During your Morning Glory practice, avoid looking at your phone, turning on the news or engaging in any other distractions. Avoid going into action or to-do list mode.
  2. Be purposeful about this time and remind yourself that it truly is a practice to continue bringing yourself to the present moment. The goal is reconnecting with YOU and making space for what is truly meaningful.
  3. Just because you notice the distractions and the urges to check a quick email, text or do something off task, does not mean you will benefit from following that urge (although your brain will certainly try convincing you of that). Notice the urge. Breathe. Bring your attention back to your Morning Glory practice.
  4. Set yourself up for success to be fully present in your Morning Glory practice. This might mean you awaken 15 or 30 minutes earlier than you normal. Perhaps you go to bed 15-30 minutes earlier to make space for this morning practice. While that might be new and different for you, isn’t that what this is all about – doing something new and different?
  5. Recognize that all new actions bring with them a level of discomfort. Again, do not allow the discomfort steer you away from the new activity but rather recognize the discomfort, name it and continue on your new activity pattern.
  6. Give yourself grace and kindness to try this new practice at least 5 times before deciding if it is or is not for you. You might like to try 5 days in a row or maybe a few days, and take a break and then come back and try again. It’s ok to choose your days wisely based on your schedule that week and it’s ok to add, delete, change any step along the way to better suit your needs.
  7. All new habits require repetition and it is only through repetition that comfort is established.

I would love to hear your experiences with the Morning Glory practice. Please feel free to email me at with your stories, questions and/or explanation of the practices you LOVE to do for bringing consciousness to your day.

Imagine the Possibilities,
